aIPAM Officer Nominations
To submit an Officer nomination: Review the criteria below, fill out form for both the nominee and the nominator. After filling out the details click on the SUBMIT button and your nomination will be submitted.
association of Illinois Patient Access Management
Secretary and Vice President
NOMNATIONS: submissions on line from August 1, 2017 – March 1st, 2018. Elections open April 10, elections close April 20th.
**Elected officer terms begin following Fall 2018 Conference
a. Vice President:
. The Vice
President shall serve a term of four (4) years, the first two as Vice President, the second two
as President. The Vice President will assume the duties of
the President and complete the President’s term in case of resignation
or incapability. He or she will be responsible for conducting
meetings in the absence of the President.
A Request of Past President and or Executive Delegate to be a resource to
the Organization.
b. Secretary:
The Secretary shall serve for two (2) years. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the minutes of all of the Board of Directors and General Membership meetings. The Secretary shall carry out all of the official correspondence on behalf of the organization, coordinate correspondence to and from the membership, and assume other duties delegated by the Board of Directors.